Collection of Auguries is here!

I am in the process of making it available on Amazon and then distributing to independent bookstores here in California. I will save my thoughts on this entire process so far for another time! I can assure you that writing, the actual writing, is the best part.  I never pursued any mainstream channels this time around but can definitely see the advantages and disadvantages on both sides.


From the “Acknowledgments” section…

“…I continued to use my website as a writing portfolio and I am very grateful to all the readers of my ‘blog’ who have sincerely supported my writings from the very beginning. It is because of these readers I continued to write beyond the noise of agents, publishers, self-publishing, digital publishing etc. […] it is through them that I held steadfast to the belief that once upon a time people really cared to hear a good story.”

Thank you so much for the support.



Oh! And for now you can order a copy at McNally Jackson bookstores in NYC. Very grateful to all those who have already ordered their copies!