I do write.
I read. I write.
When the weight of your message through your project, art, performance, or words outweighs your desire and need to share as compared with the need of the world and universe to receive it, the enterprise takes a life of its own.
I wrote and shared fiction on Tuesdays from March, 2010 to March, 2011 every single Tuesday to clear “creative clutter” as I grappled with my main writing project, the work-in-progress manuscript of a first novel. The only rule of writing I follow is: keep writing. Although there was little progress with the novel, these stories led me to some extraordinary serendipitous encounters, including a writing program held in Prague where I had the privilege of working with author Charles Baxter. What I learned there, led me to put together my first collection of stories, Collection of Auguries.
My stumbling upon books and articles is always serendipitous and not borne out of a conscious looking. I feel “saved” when I come across Universe’s Windfall/ God’s Grace through another’s words that clarify and illuminate, lift and align, and provide dovetail integration out of the madness in the cosmos of my spirit. So much so that my deepest wish becomes to pass on the anchor as quickly as possible to another, fully aware that maybe this is not the time for another to ‘get it’, for “the teacher appears when the student is ready,” but at least it is out there…like a light house in the ocean: you don’t have to stop on the shore if you don’t need to…but the light is there.
I began this website in 2009; this digital shelf continues to evolve.
I shared essays/posts titled “Still Sundays” on Sundays (which I did long before I had this website) for three years and they are archived.
In my Vault you will find excerpts and videos about art, photos by me, and more, all reflective of my eclectic nature and taste.
This website serves as a public repository of my writings that, in the words of Sy Safransky, doesn’t “seek refuge in some glorified ideal of the ‘literary life.'”
I am in perpetual awe of synchronicity.
I am a collector of serendipitous moments which demand a lucid interval in a stream of consciousness called life.
~ a.q.s.
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains,
at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers,
at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars,
and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.
~ St. Augustine