art: santi di prima in nicolosi, sicily

Came across a really cool artist and just drooled over her work. I didn’t take many photos. She gave my mother and I a gift just for stopping by: a very unique ceramic key chain. More information about the work can be found at (although in Italian!).












2 responses to “art: santi di prima in nicolosi, sicily”

  1. Davide says:

    Hi Annie, it’s been a nice suprice to find your picture and comment about shop Terrecotte Santi Di Prima (My Brother…) in your web-blog site.
    I talk with Santi and hi was happy and surprice too…!!!
    So, we want to say you Thank you for your article and that for us will be a great pleasure to meet you again here in Nicolosi.
    Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any information or replay about this e-mail; I would like to travel like you so maybe we can meet in some part of the world.
    Davide Di Prima.

    • annie says:

      Hello Davide,
      What a wonderful surprise! The internet has indeed made the world so very small. Thank you so much for your comment. Nicolosi is a wonderful town and we will always treasure our time there. Until our paths cross again… continue to make this world a very beautiful place like you all are already doing.

